So here are the curtains! I promise never ever to unpick or change them again. What seemed so simple an option turned out to take ages and be something of a headache....when you pull things apart they don't always fit back together quite how you hoped......
They do look better though and I get to see more of that beautiful DG tulip fabric now that it sits higher. It's only taken me 10+ years to find exactly the right use for it! I 'm pretty chuffed with the inverted pleat heading and the lining gives them some extra body. I used two pairs of unbleached Ikea Aina curtains for the main fabric (unpicked and reworked..)
So the tulips are in place for Spring and I can lie in bed and admire them.

They look amazing! So good to see them up! That's clever, a touch of colour at the bottom and the lighter-weight fabric atop letting in a gentle glow!Hope you're having a great day,beautiful work:)